Sunday, October 9, 2011

Skinniest Sunday

Well, I'm surprised. I've had a bad week, WW wise. I almost fell off the wagon several times. I just get discouraged when I can't get in my points for the day. I'm not eating enough fruits and veggies because I'm too full and really can't get in my points. Its a hard line for me. Maybe its the extra breastfeeding points, I dunno. We also went out this week for dinner. I did choose well and had blackened grouper, yumm. Maybe it's because of the wiser choices that I lost this week. Because I've been discouraged all week, I didn't track my food a lot of the days. I didn't want to keep facing the fact that I couldn't eat them. I really expected not to lose a thing. I did though! Surprise, surprise. It feels good to keep me going though. I'm down another 4.2 for a total of -8.6. Yay, me!

1 comment:

  1. I just joined and it's been great helping me keep track of food and sugars and stuff and it helps that my husband is doing it, too!
